Surgical Repair of Atonic Pupil with Iris Cerclage and Knot Internalization

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A methodical approach is described to repair an atonic pupil. Essential steps include 1. making equidistant corneal incisions to access the iris, 2. pharmacologic and mechanical constriction of pupil to recruit iris tissue, 3. use of a 10-0 prolene double-armed suture on a curved needle, 4. suturing the pupil in a baseball seam fashion, and 5. knot internalization and controlled constriction to a desired 3-mm pupil size to not only reduce glare and photophobia but also to be able to examine the optic disc and macula. Presented by Shakeel Shareef, MD.

Posted: 9/07/2018

Surgical Repair of Atonic Pupil with Iris Cerclage and Knot Internalization

A methodical approach is described to repair an atonic pupil. Essential steps include 1. making equidistant corneal incisions to access the iris, 2. pharmacologic and mechanical constriction of pupil to recruit iris tissue, 3. use of a 10-0 prolene double-armed suture on a curved needle, 4. suturing the pupil in a baseball seam fashion, and 5. knot internalization and controlled constriction to a desired 3-mm pupil size to not only reduce glare and photophobia but also to be able to examine the optic disc and macula. Presented by Shakeel Shareef, MD.

Posted: 9/07/2018

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