Lensectomy, Sutureless Intrascleral Fixation of IOL with Anterior Vitrectomy in a Child

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Michael Patterson, DO, presents a complex case of a 12-year-old patient with prior globe rupture from a knife injury that was repaired 4 months prior to this surgery. Originally, the globe was repaired and some some lens debris was removed, but all of the lens material was not visible during the initial surgery. As you will see, a lensectomy was performed followed by an anterior vitrectomy with subsequent sutureless intrascleral fixation of an IOL.

Posted: 4/22/2016

Lensectomy, Sutureless Intrascleral Fixation of IOL with Anterior Vitrectomy in a Child

Michael Patterson, DO, presents a complex case of a 12-year-old patient with prior globe rupture from a knife injury that was repaired 4 months prior to this surgery. Originally, the globe was repaired and some some lens debris was removed, but all of the lens material was not visible during the initial surgery. As you will see, a lensectomy was performed followed by an anterior vitrectomy with subsequent sutureless intrascleral fixation of an IOL.

Posted: 4/22/2016

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