No Incision Inflow at Low IOP

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The clear corneal incision was created with an Arbisser-Fine Triamond diamond blade (Mastel). Closure of the incision is demonstrated by a dry gutter at normotension. There happened to be some heme at the outer lip of the incision. To demonstrate the security of the incision, the surgeon lowers the pressure to zero through the sideport. No inflow of heme is observed, showing how a properly constructed and closed wound does not suck.

Posted: 4/02/2020

No Incision Inflow at Low IOP

The clear corneal incision was created with an Arbisser-Fine Triamond diamond blade (Mastel). Closure of the incision is demonstrated by a dry gutter at normotension. There happened to be some heme at the outer lip of the incision. To demonstrate the security of the incision, the surgeon lowers the pressure to zero through the sideport. No inflow of heme is observed, showing how a properly constructed and closed wound does not suck.

Posted: 4/02/2020

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