Bilateral Simultaneous Brunescent PCCC Optic Capture: Part 1

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The first of these two videos shows surgery for the right eye following measurement and exam under anesthesia for a mentally handicapped patient who would be unable to sit for Yag laser capsulotomy and has densely brunescent bilateral cataracts. After informed consent, his POA opted for bilateral immediately sequential cataract surgery with primary posterior capsulorhexis and posterior optic capture into Berger's space to provide bilateral lifetime vision with a zero chance of secondary cataract.

Link to Part 2

Posted: 11/18/2016

Bilateral Simultaneous Brunescent PCCC Optic Capture: Part 1

The first of these two videos shows surgery for the right eye following measurement and exam under anesthesia for a mentally handicapped patient who would be unable to sit for Yag laser capsulotomy and has densely brunescent bilateral cataracts. After informed consent, his POA opted for bilateral immediately sequential cataract surgery with primary posterior capsulorhexis and posterior optic capture into Berger's space to provide bilateral lifetime vision with a zero chance of secondary cataract.

Link to Part 2

Posted: 11/18/2016

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