Positioning a Toric IOL with Callisto Guidance

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Bryan Lee, MD, JD, demonstrates how he uses the Callisto eye (Carl Zeiss Meditec) overlay when implanting a Tecnis toric IOL (Abbott). Following a routine cataract removal, the guidance overlay is turned on. The yellow line represents 0-180 axis marker and the three parallel blue lines indicate the intended toric axis.

Posted: 2/01/2017

Positioning a Toric IOL with Callisto Guidance

Bryan Lee, MD, JD, demonstrates how he uses the Callisto eye (Carl Zeiss Meditec) overlay when implanting a Tecnis toric IOL (Abbott). Following a routine cataract removal, the guidance overlay is turned on. The yellow line represents 0-180 axis marker and the three parallel blue lines indicate the intended toric axis.

Posted: 2/01/2017

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